Performance Task 1 - Determining Rates of Speed Codes
Description of Task:Your team must first determine the rate of each speed code for the Ozobots (Nitro, Fast, Cruise, Slow, and Snail). To do this, your team will use a stopwatch to time how long it takes for each speed code to take the Ozobot from start to finish using Path Sheet 1. You will record the times of each speed in Propulsion Table.
THE END GOAL: The end goal is for each team to use rate to determine the name of each code.
Material Needs:
Ozobots (1 per group)
Path Sheet 1 (1 per group)
Propulsion Table Worksheet (1 per student)
Stopwatch (1 per group)
Pencil (1 per student)
Ruler (1 per group) -optional
Set screen setting zoom so the path is fully displayed across the entire monitor screen
Ensure the screen brightness is at 100%
Students might have to calibrate the Ozobot after each path to read each code correctly. You can find directions here
Students should start the timer as soon as the front of the Ozobot crosses the start line.
Students should stop the timer as soon as the Ozobot finishes the path and stops spinning.
See teacher notes for important details before/during/after the lesson.

Fifty years ago, the United States won The Space Race against the Soviet Union by being the first nation to land on the moon. Your class has been asked to recreate the trip the Apollo 11 took to land on the moon and make it safely back to Earth (situation). Using Ozobots, your class must determine the correct rate for your Ozobot to safely travel to the moon and return to Earth (challenge). You will be the scientists designing the model (role). Your goal is to create the correct model to present at the 50th Anniversary celebration of Apollo 11